Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is used to format text documents. It is often used for creating README files, documentation, and other types of text content. One of the features of Markdown is the ability to format text, such as making text bold.

To create bold text in Markdown, you can use the “” (double asterisks) syntax. For example, to make the word “bold” appear in bold, you would write **bold. The text between the double asterisks will appear bold when rendered.

For example,

**This text is bold**

This text is bold

It’s also possible to make a word or phrase bold within a sentence.

I like to **boldly** go where no one has gone before.

I like to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Another way to make text bold in Markdown is to use the __ (double underscores) syntax. This works the same way as the double asterisks, but uses underscores instead.

__This text is also bold__

This text is also bold

It is also possible to make text both bold and italic in Markdown. To make text both bold and italic, you can use the *** (triple asterisks) syntax.

***This text is bold and italic***

This text is bold and italic

It’s also possible to use single * or _ to make text italic, but using double or triple * or _ for bold and bold-italic is more common and widely supported.

Markdown is supported by many platforms and tools including GitHub, Reddit, and Stack Exchange. These platforms use a Markdown engine to convert the text written in Markdown into HTML, which is then displayed in the browser.

In summary, to create bold text in Markdown, use the double asterisks ** or double underscores __ syntax to enclose the text that you want to make bold. To create bold and italic text, use triple asterisks *** and for italic text use single * or _. This makes it easy to format text and make it more readable and presentable.