Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows users to format text using simple syntax. One common formatting feature is the ability to create line breaks, which can be used to separate sections of text or create spacing between paragraphs.

One way to create a line break in Markdown is to use a blank line between paragraphs. This is known as a “soft break” and is often used to create spacing between paragraphs of text. When a blank line is used, the text on either side of it will be rendered as separate paragraphs, with additional space between them.

In addition to these methods, it is also possible to use HTML tags to create line breaks in Markdown. The most common method is to use the <br> tag, which stands for “line break”. This tag can be inserted anywhere in the text and will create a line break at that point.

Here are a how two <br> tags look like in a row:

It is also possible to use the <hr> tag to create a horizontal line, which can be used to separate sections of text or create visual breaks between different types of content.

In summary, there are multiple ways to insert a line break in Markdown. The most basic method is to use a newline at the end of a line for a paragraph break.It is also possible to use HTML tags such as <br> or <hr> to create line breaks in Markdown.