Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is used to format text. It is commonly used in blogs, wikis, and other types of online content. In Markdown, you can create headings by using the “#” symbol followed by a space and the text of the heading.

To link to a header in Markdown, you can use the “link” syntax. The basic syntax for a link in Markdown is as follows:

[link text](link URL)

To link to a header, you need to use the “link URL” to specify the location of the header. The location of a header is determined by the “id” attribute of the heading.

You can add an id attribute to a heading by adding the following syntax at the end of the heading:


For example, to create a heading with the text “Introduction” and an id of “intro”, you would use the following syntax:

# Introduction {#intro}

Once you have added an id to a heading, you can link to it by using the following syntax:

[link text](#id)

For example, to create a link that takes the reader to the “Introduction” heading, you would use the following syntax:


You can also link to headings that are on other pages by adding the file name to the link URL. For example, to link to a heading on a page called “”, you would use the following syntax:


You can also link to headings in other websites by adding the website url in the link URL.

It is also possible to use relative links to link to headings on the same page or within the same site.

For example, if you are linking to a heading on the same page, you would use the following syntax:


If you are linking to a heading on another page within the same site, you would use the following syntax:


It is important to note that the id used in the link must match the id used in the heading exactly, including capitalization.

In summary, linking to a header in Markdown is a simple process that requires you to add an id attribute to the heading and then use that id in the link URL. This allows readers to easily navigate to specific sections of your content, making it more user-friendly and accessible.